About Us


Mike Crowhurst, 2011: for me, 2010 was a life-changing year in a lot of ways, and one of the major things I learned was how irresponsibly I was treating this planet and the people in it. Not that I’m all that different than others; I don’t deliberately throw rubbish in the ocean or burn down forests or threaten indigenous people with violence. I was like most people in an absent, ignorant and self-rightous kind of way. The way that most people are in Western society, realising on some level that we are privileged to be born here and not in an impoverished country, but then straight-away abusing that privilege by supporting the corporations and governments who are perpetuating the oppression of those impoverished people. While we’re busy allowing this to happen, we’re also contributing to the decimation of our planet by living well beyond our ecological means simply because we’re too lazy, too greedy and feeling too superior to think we have to worry about it.

I’ve decided to make this ever-updating list as I learn new ways to minimise my footprint and impact of living on Earth, but also how to more ethically interact with people and companies who are doing the right thing. Hopefully, anyone who reads this can incorporate as many of these things as possible into their own life to help us be a more responsible species.

I am by no means an expert on this topic and hope that my entries will be merely conversation-starters, inciting productive, positive feedback and suggestions that will make this a rich resource for anyone who is concerned about the state of the planet! I encourage guest bloggers with useful input too… Please contribute!

Mike 2023: twelve years later and I’m pleased to say that my original sentiments still ring true. In that time I have kept recurring “Lifestyle reports” to keep myself accountable but things have naturally evolved anyway to downsizing, tiny house minimalism, veganism and intentional decisions to curb behaviours that contribute to environmental damage. It is easy to live ethically and I encourage everyone to take even just small steps on a regular basis. Not only ethical considerations, but the fact that lowering your cost of living and needs will simplify your life and mean you can spend less time working and more time Living The Good Life.


Mike: With a growing awareness of the failing environment and the inequality of living conditions of people in this world, I have been feeling that I’m being steered into the direction of subject matter that increases awareness and educates, and that this guiding feeling is almost beyond my control. Offering a voice to the world in a form that I am comfortable with makes me feel that, in some small way, I might be able to make a difference. I have a background in video production which has led me to creating independent film on topics of injustice and people doing good things for the world. Having taken a mental wellness break from these things plus time to focus on my tiny house build, I am hoping to return to this career and continue to be a voice for positive action on meaningful topics of the day.

I live in Adelaide, Australia; my state of South Australia is the driest state on the driest continent in the world.

Heidi: As a graphic designer, I have a chance to do meaningful work with clients who are generally in the non-for-profit sectors and particularly groups who are trying to do positive work in struggling regions around the globe. The visual branding and message they send out is important to maintain a professional and useful connection to supporters, and I feel honoured to be able to represent people doing such relevant and worthwhile work. Doing this type of work is an extension of what I consider my core values, as is living simply. Tiny house living has been an eye-opening experiences as we have being able to craft a simple but beautiful home that financially suits us and feels like it sacrifices little. I am passionate about meaningful community connection, creativity and deep inner learning, continuing to strive for ethical solutions in all aspects of my life.


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